"Bug Off" Essential Oil Blend
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Ward off bugs this summer with the perfect essential oil blend! Add to Peppermint Hydrosol or your favorite carrier oil to ward off bugs. Easy and chemical-free!
Mist this natural repellant on pant legs, ankles, back of the knees, neck, head, hands, and clothing before a walk outside. Be careful to keep mist away from your eye as it will sting. This blend contains powerful essential oils like tea tree and eucalyptus that provide a variety of benefits for the mind and body. “Bug Off” may also help with minor respiratory infections, allergies, congestion, headaches, sore muscles, intestinal problems, and viral infections. The eucalyptus in the blend has been used as a disinfectant to cover wounds.
The Secret Behind this Product...
Eucalyptus Essential Oil, Tea Tree Essential Oil, Cajeput Essential Oil
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